
MaryLou in Long Grass up-skilling Left, Right, Go Back!

The drill focuses on up-skilling the stop whistle 🛑, left and right hand signals 👈👉, and the "go back" command 🔄, in a challenging environment, like long grass 🌾.

⏯️ To watch the trailer click on the circular play button in the centre of the image.


Teaching Red the '3 Card Trick'- Left, Right & Back Retrieve Commands! 🐕🎯

🐾 Red's Comeback: Tail or No Tail, Training Prevails! 🐕

Red’s had a bit of a rough patch—she had to get her tail amputated, but don’t worry, she’s still wagging away and happy as ever! 🐶

Though her training took a back seat, Anna’s back at it, working on Red’s left, right, and back commands. It’s all about consistency and making sure this eager 15-month-old pup knows exactly what’s expected.

⏯️ To watch the trailer click on the circular play button in the centre of the image.


Learning about Fences & Steady to Shot - Rab 🔫💥

Adrian is teaching Rab to jump over a fence 🏞️, retrieve dummies 🎾, and get familiar with a training pistol 🔫

Top Tips

  • Keep control by using a lead, if necessary.

  • Dogs learn by repetition and gentle corrections. Be patient and increase difficulty gradually.

  • Ensure the dog understands what is expected by showing and guiding initially before letting them attempt on their own.

  • Avoid using the recall whistle if the dog is not consistently obeying it to prevent teaching the dog to ignore it.

⏯️ To watch the trailer click on the circular play button in the centre of the image.


Storm's Learning Left, Right and Go Back - Part 1

Jason is showing Tom how to utilise tools like a fence line to keep Storm straight 🐶📏 when learning and refining left and right commands ⬅️➡️ and "Go Back" 🔙. Also, how to adjust techniques to prevent him from anticipating commands. ✨

⏯️ To watch the trailer click on the circular play button in the centre of the image.


           Advanced training
Big Left And Right

🐾 Jason is focusing on teaching Finn to follow directional commands, BIG lefts and rights. The 🎯 aim is to build Finn’s confidence and accuracy in following directional commands at long distances working on and addressing any training weaknesses exposed during practice.

⏯️ To watch the trailer click on the circular play button in the centre of the image.


Group Training - Afternoon Session

In the afternoon session with the Open dogs 🐕, the main activities revolve around teaching the dogs to respond to commands 🗣️ and hunt for tennis balls 🎾 in a controlled area, with a specific focus on obedience and recall. 🐾


Controlled Jumping with Andy & Jack- part 1

Jason is helping Jack and Andy focus on combining jumping exercises with control commands , to improve their dogs' obedience and agility. 🐕

The process involves warming up the dogs, practicing jumping with proper stride patterns 🏃‍♂️, integrating stop whistle commands, and gradually increasing the difficulty with directional commands and retrieval tasks 🧭

⏯️ To watch the trailer click on the circular play button in the centre of the image.


Advanced Beat Training - MaryLou

🐾 Adrian is showcasing the transition from learning to working a beat to more advanced beat training, including stopping to the ball 🎾, stopping to shot, and stopping to the stop whistle while moving.

⏯️ To watch the trailer click on the circular play button in the centre of the image.


Improving Stop Whistle

🐾 Jason is instructing Tom how to up skill the stop whistle from previously teaching it at heel, both on and off the lead 🐕.

Emphasising the importance of the handler's body language in addition to the whistle.

⏯️ To watch the trailer click on the circular play button in the centre of the image.


Introducing The Puppies 3b2 and Jazz!

The puppies have arrived and Adrian is showing what he does right from the start at 9 weeks to build a bond and encourage their natural behaviour. Welcome Three be Two and Jazz to GundogTV.

⏯️ To watch the trailer click on the circular play button in the centre of the image.


Naturally learning to Hold an Area and Hunt!

Under Jason's guidance, Mary is training 9 1/2 month old Isla to enhance her hunting skills and learn to hold an area. In a designated circle of long grass 🌾 and with a series of dummies and tennis balls 🎾, Mary is encouraging Isla’s natural ability. She uses the long grass to set a natural hunting boundary, using minimal whistles and gradually up-skilling the whole drill to gain experience and confidence💪.

⏯️ To watch the trailer click on the circular play button in the centre of the image.